Currently we have been completing these jobs:
Working in partnership with the company of OMEXOM GA Energo, we are in the process of developing the Planning Permission documentation and detail-design documentation for the reconstruction of an overhead line 2 x 110 kV between the Česká Lípa – Dubice Subst. and a new Varnsdord Subst. TRANSENERGY alone takes care of the replacement of a bundled line between Česká Lípa and Nový Bor.
Engaged by the company of ČEPS, we have completed the Planning Permission documentation and currently continue on documentation required to obtain the Building Permission and on detail-design documentation of entering the international line of V443/444, 2 x 400 kV, into the new Dětmarovice Subst.
We are busy working on a detail design of replacing a 1 x 110 kV overhead line for a 2 x 110 kV line between the Boskovice Subst. and the Letovice Subst. for E.ON Czech Republic. The job covers also obtaining the official permission.
Also under way is the process of developing documentation for the ČESP comp. as needed to obtain the Planning and Building Permissions for connecting a 2 x 400 kV line into the Milín Subst.